Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana (Dominican Republic)

The Memorial Museum of the Dominican Resistance collects, organizes, preserves, researches, distributes, and displays the tangible and intangible heritage of the struggles of several generations of Dominicans related to the dictatorship Rafael L. Trujillo. The museum comprises dioramas and models of the torture centers and certain historical episodes and includes the restoration and extension of Jail Site 9. The space commemorates the victims of the struggle for democracy, but more than anything it is an educational institution devoted to educating new generations about the value of life and the fundamental human rights to liberty, action, and expression of ideas without the fear of losing family, dignity, or life.

Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana (Dominican Republic)
Calle Arzobispo Nouel No. 210
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic