Welcoming Alexei Khamarkhanov

The Coalition is delighted to welcome the newest member of our staff, Alexei Khamarkhanov, who joined the team in March 2016. As Finance and Operations Manager, Alexei will provide day-to-day financial management and administrative oversight for the Coalition. Prior to his appointment, he worked for a decade at the Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York, a nonprofit agency that provides home health care services to elderly and disabled people. In his role with the Coalition, Alexei will direct financial auditing processes, oversee operations and provide infrastructure support, among other tasks.

A graduate of the State Pedagogical Institute in Irkutsk, Russia, Alexei holds a Master’s degree in Education. In his free time, Alexei pursues his passion for playing chess, a hobby he has enjoyed since childhood. In addition, he is an avid traveler and enjoys spending time with his two children.

With his skills and experience, Alexei will be an integral part of the Coalition’s growth, and we are excited to have him join our team.

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