A report developed by the Coalition on the link between sites of memory and other heritage places with memorial aspects is now available here. The study was commissioned by the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and funded by the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea. It was presented at the 42nd World Heritage Committee Meeting held by UNESCO in Bahrain in June 2018.
The document was prepared by a working group led by Elizabeth Silkes, Executive Director of the Coalition, and Jean-Louis Luxen, a member of the Coalition’s Board of Trustees and Former Secretary General of ICOMOS. The team also included Alissandra Cummins, Director of the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, Former President of ICOM and a member of the Coalition’s Board of Trustees; Eloi Coly, Head Curator of Maison des Esclaves; Long Khet, Executive Director of Youth for Peace; and Julio Solorzano Foppa, Chair of Memorial Para la Concordia.