Comisión de Homenaje a las Víctimas de los CCD el Vesubio y Proto-Banco (Argentina)

comisic3b3n-vesubio-y-protobancoComisión de Homenaje a las Víctimas de los CCD el Vesubio y Proto-Banco (Commission of Tribute to the Victims of El Vesubio and Protobanco Clandestine Detention Centers) works to document evidence of human rights abuses in La Matanza during the military dictatorship, gather evidence and offer testimony in the legal trials against members of the dictatorship, and to reclaim the El Vesubio and Proto-Banco Detention Centers as evidence in prosecutions and as a future site of memory.

Comisión de Homenaje a las Víctimas de los CCD el Vesubio y Proto-Banco (Argentina)
Camino Cintura
La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos Aires Argentina