Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace

The Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM) was established in August 2005 with donations from people in Japan and abroad. WAM is Japan’s only museum focusing on violence against women in war and conflict situations, particularly Japan’s military sexual slavery, euphemistically called the “comfort women” issue. In December 2000, the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery was held in Tokyo by the global civil society to end the cycle of impunity of wartime sexual violence.

The Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace preserves tribunal documents and the testimonies of victims/survivors to pass onto the next generation. WAM seeks to make the Japanese government accountable for Japan’s military sexual slavery system and provides a space to remember women’s stories of suffering as well as the struggle to restore dignity and justice. They work to create a world of peace, where no woman suffers from violence or discrimination.

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace
AVACO Bldg2F, 2-3-18, Nishi-Waseda,
Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan