Syrian Network for Human Rights

An independent, Syrian human rights organization, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) was established in June 2011. The SNHR works on documenting human rights violations in Syria and has

Casa Mémoire (Morocco)

Founded in 1995, Casa Mémoire is a Moroccan non-profit organization that aims to safeguard the 20th century architectural heritage in Morocco. It brings together communities to support the preservation of

Partners Yemen for Democratic Change

Established in 2009, Partners Yemen for Democratic Change (PY) supports and strengthens public and private efforts to secure a civil and democratic state. The organization builds the capacity of multiple

Future Partners Foundation of Development (Yemen)

The Future Partners Foundation of Development seeks to contribute to achieving a comprehensive developmental renaissance that meets the needs and requirements of Yemeni civil society through implementing many qualitative projects

SADA (Syria/Turkey)

SADA is an independent, not-for-profit NGO that monitors the pulse and beat of the public in a simple and direct way to disseminate information and enhance transparency in Syrian Society.

Al-tahreer Association for Development (Iraq)

Al-tahreer Association for Development’s goal is to build an Iraq with a free, democratic community in which justice and peace prevails. Additionally, the association seek to achieve independent, impartial and transparent

Women’s Human Rights Centre (Iraq)

Women’s Human Rights Centre (WHRC) is a nongovernmental organization founded in 2003. Its main goal is to empower women so they can be leaders & participate in Iraq’s transitional transformation