About the Network

The European Sites of Conscience Network works to leverage the power of Sites of Conscience to engage their communities in the most pressing regional issues including  migration, xenophobia and a rise in nationalistic sentiments. In order to address these challenges and promote tolerance.

By using the lessons of history, ICSC-Europe aims to help Sites of Conscience create programs that foster empathy, civic engagement and a deeper understanding of the consequences of injustice – all integral to building peaceful, tolerant societies. It also facilitates the sharing of methodologies and best practices throughout Europe, and enables European members to conduct exchanges with members in other regions.

Joint projects include traveling exhibits and interactive installations that promote intercultural dialogue and understanding. Each year, ICSC-Europe convenes to deepen and share Sites of Conscience methodologies that transform historic sites into centers for active civic engagement.

As a result of the regional planning process in  2021, the European Sites of Conscience Network committed to work collectively towards

an open and peaceful society that embraces diversity, protects human rights and fosters accountability; that critically engages with memory and history; that uses dialogue as a tool to heal divisions and promote understanding and self-reflection; and that empowers all its members to serve the common good by actively participating in democratic processes and public life with the goal to achieve human dignity for all.  

To learn more about the network’s strategic plan for 2022-2025, please click here

Members of the Network include

For a full list of the European Sites of Conscience members, please click here.

For a list of all members of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience, please click here.

In 2015, European Sites of Conscience united to form a legally registered entity in Europe, the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience – Europe (ICSC-Europe). ICSC-Europe is coordinated by a Steering Committee of member sites. To learn more, click here.

For more information, or to become involved, please contact Justine Di Mayo, Regional Manager for MENA, Europe and Eastern Europe.