Centre for Public History

The Centre for Public History is a civic association founded by historians, dealing with the past experts and human rights activists, with the aim of – promoting the application of history

War Childhood Museum

The War Childhood Museum, winner of the 2018 Council of Europe Museum Prize, is dedicated to providing people with an outlet to share objects and memories of their childhood experiences

Zochrot (Israel)

Zochrot is a pioneering Israeli organization working since 2002 to raise awareness of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, and human rights violations against Palestinian refugees, as well as

Cantos Cautivos

Cantos Cautivos (Captive Songs) is a digital archive that compiles memories of individual and collective musical experiences in centres for political detention and torture in Chile under Pinochet. This participatory

Gulag.cz (Czech Republic)

The Gulag.cz Association is concerned with the phenomenon of the Gulag prison system and the Soviet totalitarian regime in general. Founded at the end of 2009, its mission is to

Belonging (England)

Belonging wants to contribute to a world where national territory is not being scattered into ethnic and socio-economical enclaves, where architects and planners are not abusing their professional knowledge to