International Museum for Democracy

The International Museum for Democracy, or the Museo Internacional para la Democracia, is located in Rosario, Argentina. The museum opened in 2017 and is a private initiative that aims to

Faro de la Memoria

The Faro de la Memoria, or the Lighthouse of Memory, formerly called ESIM, was a clandestine detention center where people were tortured and killed by the armed Argentine forces during the last

Memorial da Lutas e Ligas Camponesas

Memorial das Ligas e Lutas Camponesas (Memorial of Small Farmers Leagues and Struggles), an NGO is headquartered in the community of Barra de Antas, in the municipality of Sapé, Paraíba, Brazil.

Centro de la Memoria Monseñor Juan Gerardi

The Memory Center of Monsignor Juan Gerardi started in the drafting of the Guatemala Never Again (Guatemala Nunca Más) Report in 1998. Juan Gerardi collected survivors’ testimonies and documentation of human