Cantos Cautivos

Cantos Cautivos (Captive Songs) is a digital archive that compiles memories of individual and collective musical experiences in centres for political detention and torture in Chile under Pinochet. This participatory

Museo Sitio de Memoria ESMA (Argentina)

Museo Sitio de Memoria ESMA is a former clandestine center for detention, torture and extermination; a historical site; and a material testimony to the human rights violations committed by the last

Estadio Nacional, Memoria Nacional (Chile)

In the aftermath of the September 1973 coup d’état that overthrew the Government of Chilean President Salvador Allende, the National Stadium of Santiago (Estadio Nacional) became the largest “concentration camp”

Devoir de Mémoire (Haiti)

Devoir de Mémoire fights to transform sites of atrocities into sites of memory in Haiti, to demand justice for the crimes committed during the Duvalier dictatorship, and to advocate for their non-repetition.

Sociedad Civil Las Abejas (Mexico)

Sociedad Civil Las Abejas is an organized group fighting peacefully for their rights, and to defend their lands and territories. Its work is based on three main roots: culture, the

Museu da Imigração do Estado de São Paulo (Brazil)

Brazil is a country known worldwide for its cultural diversity. Native people from many nations, such as the Portuguese, Spanish, Flemish, Africans of different origins, Europeans, Asians and Latin American hermanos compose