James Madison’s Montpelier

James Madison’s Montpelier inspires public engagement with American constitutional self-government by bringing to life the home and contributions of James and Dolley Madison. Montpelier promotes ongoing public understanding of Madison’s

America’s Black Holocaust Museum (USA)

America’s Black Holocaust Museum (ABHM) was founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1984 by Dr. James Cameron, who survived a lynching at age 16. It is the world’s only museum to

1816 Farmington Quaker Meetinghouse (USA)

As the site of Genesee Yearly Meeting of Friends, the 1816 Farmington Quaker Meetinghouse was a national crucible for major reform movements in the nineteenth century. It stood at the

John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation (USA)

The John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation oversees Reconciliation Park, the long-awaited result of the 2001 Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. The Park memorializes the Tulsa Race

Japanese American National Museum (USA)

The Japanese American National Museum is the only museum in the United States dedicated to promoting understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by preserving, interpreting, and sharing the experiences

James Monroe Museum (USA)

The James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library is dedicated to the study, interpretation and presentation of the life and times of the fifth President of the United States. Its mission

Indiana Historical Society (USA)

Since 1830, the Indiana Historical Society (IHS) has connected people to the past by collecting, preserving, and sharing the state’s history. IHS maintains a research library and archives; presents a

Historical Memory Project (USA)

The Historical Memory Project documents and advocates for truth, historical memory, justice, and public access to state violence, war, and genocide archives in Latin America. We collect and disseminate evidence,

Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation (USA)

The Heart Mountain Wyoming – Annie E. Casey Foundation was formed in 1996 to preserve the site that represents a period in U.S. history following the bombing of Pearl Harbor