Migration Museum

The Migration Museum works towards a world free of racism and injustice through telling the stories of South Australians and celebrating cultural diversity. Established in 1986, South Australia’s Migration Museum

National Human Rights Museum

On Taiwan’s way to democracy, people suffered, resisted and triumphed, but many of their stories were ignored, or even forgotten. The National Human Rights Museum in Taiwan was established to

The Partition Museum

The Partition of India was one of the most defining events in the history of the subcontinent. It remains till date the largest mass migration in human history. Yet, despite the extensive

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace

The Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM) was established in August 2005 with donations from people in Japan and abroad. WAM is Japan’s only museum focusing on violence

Voices of Women Media

Voices of Women Media (VOW Media) wants to contribute to a world where women enjoy their basic rights and live with dignity, equality and justice. A non-profit organization, VOW Media

The Tibet Museum (India)

The mission of The Tibet Museum is to inform the public about the Chinese occupation of Tibet, to provide personal accounts of lives lost in Tibet since the occupation and to raise awareness

International Centre for Ethnic Studies (Sri Lanka)

The International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) uses research, policy advocacy, dialogue and the creative arts, to celebrate and promote diversity in all its multiple shades. For 34 years it has contributed

Kdei Karuna (Cambodia)

Kdei Karuna Organization (KdK) is an innovative, politically neutral NGO that has worked in Cambodia’s peacebuilding community for more than ten years. KdK employs participatory community-engaged approaches to build sustainable

The Herstories Archive (Sri Lanka)

The Herstories Archive is an auto-ethnographic project, that has collected 285 personal narratives of mothers from the north, south and east of Sri Lanka during the years (2012-2013). The stories